Hard work took Nilgun Girgin Chang from her modest beginnings to a high-powered corporate career. However, even amidst the successes of her international career, she still felt that something big was missing. Finally confronted wither her own lack of wellbeing, Chang decided to pursue what she really needed: balance between mind, body, and emotion.
Nilgün Girgin Chang is the founder of Absolute Zen. Since 2004, she has been teaching personal development and stress management programs in Turkey and the UK.
|TurkishWIN | Length 15:54| Filmed in Turkey May 2013
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We thank our amazing Youtube volunteers (aka İlham Komitesi) for transcribing this talk: Başak Günaydın you are a rockstar! We are grateful to our translation sponsor Motaword for the translation of the TurkishWIN talks.